Perhaps not quite recently, sports has become a veritable haven of miscreants thriving only for the lust of money, power, sex, or whatever other desire is easily attainable through mere physical talent. It's unfortunate that we're living in a world where talent seemingly cannot coexist with reason. More and more, today's news stories are an ever-growing tribute to why you simply cannot hand a buffoon $20+ Million and expect that person to suddenly think with a level head.
You can't sit by in 2013 America and simply cast a blind eye to recent NFL happenings. Hell, even pre-NFL is filling with it's fair share of disasters (I'll exorcise those demons in a minute). How terrible is it that 2013 America seems to be quite alright with one Aaron Hernandez, unofficially accused with having more than a passerby's role in a murder. A MURDER. What's more? He's had a sketchy past. If you care to look deep enough, you'll turn up another "murder" to which he was connected.
I've heard clamoring to the tune of:
"As long as it doesn't affect my fantasy team, I don't care what happens."
"Hope he's not on the Patriots when the season starts!"
"Just you watch, they're going to release him and he'll be a star for the Jets next season."
And that's as far as we take it. As long as his misdeed doesn't affect your Sunday afternoon, you're satisfied. I needn't remind you that a murder occurred, perhaps one that he directly influenced. Justice be damned, 2013 America is going to be "Murder Strong" and push forth with another captivating NFL season.
Perhaps the outrage I'm seeking is at it's mildest due to the offseason. Perhaps the Ray Lewis incident numbed America to senseless acts like these. Perhaps 2013 America wishes for nothing more than having the NFL exact a swift, deliberate start to their season. Has the entire world gone mad? No. But it's a fair assumption that somethin' ain't right in 2013 America.
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