Well, Aaron Hernandez has finally added his name to the ever-growing list of NFL arrests. An exclusive list, reserved only for the finest company, among which include Titus Young and PacMan Jones. A resurgent city of Boston hardly needed this black eye, in light of recent events.
It's been news for hours now - he's being charged with 1st degree murder. Apparently the prosecution has a real whopper of a case, too. It's been discussed that evidence is in no short supply and that he was integral in the orchestration of Odin Lloyd's execution.
More worth discussion than simply repeating known news is why the NFL is absolutely awash with criminals. In Hernandez's case, he may have been a criminal prior to ever stepping onto an NFL field. He's been connected to attempted homicide as recently as 2007, with additional off-field issues dating back to when he was only 17 years old, and quite probably earlier than that.
So what could possibly make a rising professional football player, role model and one face of a successful franchise become so involved in the murder of another human being? Money. There's a reason you don't give children $100 for their 6th birthday. Why? Because they'd spend it all on candy and toys, instantly. Put simply, they act out with little regard for the future. $100 to a 6 year old might make them feel rich and in some way, powerful. The same could be said about those very same children which enter the National Football League with any kind of talent. Forget where they're drafted. In most cases even a lowly signing bonus is more money than these kids have ever seen before, let alone held. First you get the money, then you get the power. Truer words...
Hernandez is now about to face the most arduous process of his life. With an allegedly insurmountable case growing against him, and his reportedly emotionless state at his arraignment, it's going to take an awful lot to convince a jury that he has nothing to do with Odin Lloyd's death.
This, unfortunately, is simply another showing of the side-show the NFL trots out there on a consistent basis. It's not going to change. Mark my word, you'll see it get worse before it gets better. Many more arrests will follow. Perhaps even more situations similar to Hernandez's. Goodell will take no action unless a murder occurs somewhere on the gridiron. It seems that nothing short of raising John Wayne from the grave to assume Roger Goodell's position as league commissioner could control this tailspin.